Liriope gigantea

Native Range: China and Japan

Sun/Shade: Full Sun, part-shade or shade

Flowers: Grown for dark green grassy evergreen foliage but also makes a blue flower in summer which is not that showy.

Landscape Use: Is commonly used in landscaping. Looks good mass planted, grouped, or as individual accent plants especially in shady or partly shady areas.  Will look better with some sun but is still a good choice for shady areas.

Container Use: Looks good in pots. Be careful to let dry, without causing wilt, before re-watering.

Size: Two feet tall and wide.

Type: Evergreen ornamental grass.

Deer Resistance: Not Deer-resistant.

Drought Tolerance: Very drought tolerant but looks best with occasional watering.

Soil: Not particular about soil as long as it drains well and does not remain constantly wet. Does well in rocky soil or even better with soil enhancement.

Water: Smart Watering Principle=Water well when first planted then allow to dry slightly, without wilting, then water deeply again, etc. Do not keep constantly wet.

Fertilizer: Looks even better with regular fertilization.

Maintenance Tips: Cut back totally just above the new immerging foliage in spring to keep it looking fresh.

Rating: Rates high as a landscape plant.

Giant Liriope