Top 20 Shade Trees For San Antonio 

Helotes Trust Tree Source For 30 Years!       Helotes TX #1 Florist For 30 Years!

"Top 20 Shade Trees" for San Antonio!
Custom Plant Information by Wilson Landscape Nursery & Florist- Helotes, Texas

Welcome to Wilson's—We are glad you came our way! Click on the tree name for its individual information.
 We at Wilson's hope that you find this plant information to be helpful and interesting. Let us know if we can help you further as you search for that special tree. Our information is based upon decades of loving trees, learning about trees, growing trees, maintaining trees, talking about trees, selling trees. planting trees, watching trees grow, enjoying the beauty of trees and being grateful to God for creating trees!

“The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food.” “And God saw that it was good.” (Genesis 2:9; 1:12)

Twenty Great Trees To Choose From
This project started as a "Top Ten" list. But I just couldn't leave out so many great trees!  I have had to really force myself to rank these "Top Twenty," because I love them all. The fact of the matter is that ranking trees is very subjective when you have so many trees that grow equally well.  The truth of the matter is that here are twenty great trees to choose from! Nevertheless, I do have my reasons for ranking the way I have and I realize that there are other legitimate rankings. The most important ranking will come from you!

Choosing a Tree Should Be A Happy Time
 As long as a tree grows well in our area,  and is recommended by knowledgeable professionals, then your choice from a list like this depends upon what seems good to you. After you have done your own personal research, then trust your own gut feeling about what looks good to you.  Choosing a tree should be a happy time, based upon your own personal taste.  If you choose any of these twenty,  they will provide decades of enjoyment. Each tree on this list has its own strengths and weaknesses. Click the individual plant information sheets for more detailed information on each individual tree. 

Choose For Your Unique Location
​Keep in mind that your ranking should depend upon how well a particular tree blends into your own landscape. For example, many might rank the Live Oak tree as their number #1 choice;  however, if you already have ten Live Oak trees in your yard,  and your whole neighborhood is covered in Live Oak Trees, then a Live Oak Tree may not rank high on your list.  The Live Oak tree will always be king of the San Antonio forest; yet,  this list is based generally upon what the existing San Antonio area needs now to provide the best tree diversity and beauty.  

The Most Popular Trees Now
This top 20 list is also based upon what trees are popular in landscaping now. Trees become popular as people discover their beauty. This tends to snowball, usually for good reason.   For the last twenty years or so, the Monterrey Oak has been the most widely planted tree in the San Antonio area. For the last few years,   the Mexican Sycamore has been gaining popularity.

A Good Approach to Buying
 I would recommend that you read the plant information sheets on each tree. See what “sounds” good to you. Then I would suggest that you look at one of these trees growing in the ground. See what “looks” good to you. I have often found that a particular plant or tree will sound really good on paper but when you see it in person you may or may not retain your enthusiasm. If you are like me you love to read about a particular tree and  imagine how beautiful it is. This is good as long as you ground your imagination in reality. 

Don't Judge A Tree By Its Pot
Keep in mind that trees in a nursery pot will not look as good as that same tree growing in the ground. Growing trees in pots is unnatural. “Do not judge a book by its cover.” "Do not judge a tree in a nursery pot." When it gets in the ground it will show its true character.

A Blessing For You
We hope that this plant information helps you as you search for that perfect tree. Whichever tree you choose, may it bring you many years of beauty and peace.

May you and your tree be “like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.” (Psalm 1:3)