Lantana horrida
Native Range: Texas
Sun/Shade: Prefers full sun; part shade OK
Flowers: Many colors to choose from: purple, white, variations of orange and red. Begins blooming naturally with the early summer heat and continues sporadically through summer and even more again in fall. The purple and white bloom more in the cooler growing seasons. “New Gold” is the best Lantana bloomer of summer. The red and orange varieties bloom best in early summer and again in fall. Landscape Use: The purple and gold make excellent groundcovers. Most orange and red varieties grow into more of a bush that looks awesome at times but also scraggly.
Container Use: The trailing purple and gold do well spilling out of a pot with larger color in the middle
Size: Groundcover varieties 1’ to 2’ feet tall spreading 3’feet or more around. The bush varieties get about 4’ feet tall and wide.
Type: Perennial that returns faithfully after freezing weather in spring though most varieties, except purple and white, die completely to the ground and then return in spring.
Deer Resistance: Most Lantanas being sold today are not as Deer resistant as their native cousins, having lost some of their Deer resistant qualities through the hybridization process to achieve better flowers. Butterflies: Butterflies love it.
Drought Tolerance: Very drought tolerant but looks best with regular watering.
Soil: Not particular about soil as long as it drains well and does not remain constantly wet. Does well in rocky soil or even better with soil enhancement.
Water: Smart Watering Principle=Water well when first planted then allow to dry slightly, without wilting, then water deeply again, etc. Easy Watering Principle= Water every day the first week; every second day the second week; every third day the third week; every fourth day the fourth week; every fifth day the fifth week. A soaking rainfall should last for about two weeks worth of watering. Do not keep constantly wet.
Fertilizer: Looks even better with regular fertilization.
Maintenance Tips: Trim lightly and often with weed-eater or clippers when it is actively growing to keep it more compact and less woody. Rating: Rates high as a landscape plant.
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