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Santolina chamaecyparissus

Native Range: Northern Hemisphere; 400 kinds

Sun/Shade: Full sun or part shade.

Flowers: Most grown for their dainty features and interesting foliage. Many varieties here have small yellow flowers but some have red, lavender and pink.

Landscape Use: Many creeping Sedums make nice low groundcovers. They do well growing  out of rocky cliffs, old  rock walls or caliche cliffs created by driveways, with a little irrigation, places where other plants would not thrive. They are sometimes called “Stonecrop” for this reason. I would not think of them as the most dependable, carefree ground plant. They are typically not thick enough to keep out competing weeds and can be easily overtaken by other plants. They are very dependable, however, in containers (read below). Some are evergreen; some are perennial; many kinds are not cold hardy, so when you come across a new variety, it might be best to assume that it will freeze in winter.

Container Use: Very popular in containers. You can miss a week-end of watering and still these tough succulent plants will look good when many other potted plants would have been devastated. They like to dry out some between watering and do best a little root-bound. But don’t get the idea that you never have to water them. Even Sedums can die in a pot, but they rank right up there with Cactus as far as drought tolerance is concerned. Ladies seem to love Sedums, perhaps because they are usually the ones who take care of potted plants, and they know from experience that Sedum is not only unusual and attractive but also forgiving.

Size: Many creeping varieties less than 6” inches tall. Other taller varieties. Most no more than two feet.

Drought Tolerance: Very drought tolerant but looks best with careful watering.

Soil: Be sure to use light potting soil in a pot. Not particular about ground soil as long as it drains well and does not remain constantly wet. Does well in rocky soil or even better with soil enhancement. Water: Smart Watering Principle=Water well when first planted then allow to dry slightly, without wilting, then water deeply again, etc. Do not keep constantly wet.

Fertilizer: Looks even better with mild fertilization.